List of Adaptive Sports Equipment Grants & Funds in Canada
The following grants help fund adaptive and assistive equipment for people with disabilities. Grants are categorized by General and Children.
Find grants in other countries here.
General Funding
March of Dimes Canada
To create a society inclusive of people with physical disabilities. To qualifty for a grant the Applicant must have an ongoing physical disability that requires the use of an assistive device, 19 years of age or older and a permanent resident of Ontario.
High Five Foundation
High Fives focuses on preventing life-changing injuries and provides resources and hope if they happen.
WSIB Ontario
The WSIB supplies healthcare equipment and supplies that are used as treatments or functional aids during the worker’s recovery or to improve and maintain independent living.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
Canada Grant Watch:155 Sports & Recreation Grants for Canada
Sports grants & recreation facilities grants to enhance the lives of girls and boys through physical activity and responsible sports, youth sports, wildlife sports, and community sports programs.
Children’s Funding (under 18)
Easter Seals Ontario
Easter Seals Ontario helps families with the cost of equipment that is required by children and youth with physical disability. To be eligible for the Equipment Funding Program children must be under the age of 19 years, a legal resident of Ontario and have a valid Ontario Health Card.
Organizations and Communities
Energizing Life Community Fund
We’re committed to supporting organizations and communities by funding projects that focus on the physical, psychological and emotional safety of Ontarians. By supporting organizations who energize life for so many, we are building safer and more resilient communities.
MLSE Foundation
Our grant funds are dedicated to supporting Ontario-based organizations who are using sport and recreation to build a more equitable tomorrow. Community Action Grants enable us to grant up to $50,000 to organizations that are creating positive outcomes for youth in physical health, mental health, academic achievement, and work readiness.
Para Sport Jumpstart Fund
Since 2013, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities and the Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC) have been engaged in a partnership to create greater opportunities for children and youth with disabilities between the ages of 4-25, and who face barriers to actively participate in organized sports and physical activity.
The Para Sport Jumpstart Fund provides funding to support quality sport and physical activity programs that provide positive introductory and early competition Para Sport experiences. Para Sport Jumpstart Fund covers costs associated with registration, transportation and equipment.